Published On: 2023-10-30

Vaping in Sweden

Sweden, celebrated for its breathtaking landscapes and cultural wealth, stands at the forefront of public health initiatives, leading the charge in the realm of harm reduction within Europe. Although the country is primarily known for its snus, vaping in Sweden is also doing well – as the statistics underscore. Check out the vape market in Sweden!

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Empowered by its pioneering efforts, Sweden is swiftly approaching the EU’s smoke-free target, with data from Eurostat indicating smoking rates hovering just over 6 percent of the population, inching closer to the EU’s ambitious 5 percent goal.

Sweden’s remarkable progress is underpinned by a multifaceted approach, which not only includes the embrace of alternative nicotine products such as snus but also the recent emergence of vaping. This strategic shift reflects the country’s proactive stance in redefining its nicotine landscape and championing innovative harm reduction practices.

1. What is vaping in Sweden like?

Vaping culture in Sweden has gradually taken root, signaling a notable departure from traditional smoking practices. The journey toward reduced smoking rates can be attributed to the growing acceptance of alternative nicotine products, especially snus, a form of pasteurized oral tobacco that has gained prominence as a less harmful substitute for combustible cigarettes. Notably, the prevalence of snus usage has surpassed that of conventional cigarette smoking, marking a significant turning point in Sweden’s nicotine consumption landscape.

This shift in smoking preferences has paved the way for the emergence of vaping as a viable alternative. With approximately 92,200 vapers in the country, the vape culture has gained legal acceptance in Sweden, providing smokers with an additional avenue for exploring harm reduction strategies.

However, the acceptance of vaping has generated diverse perspectives within the Swedish population, reflecting varying attitudes toward the use of electronic nicotine delivery systems.

As we explore alternative ways to traditional smoking in Sweden, it’s important to understand the various factors that are shaping this changing landscape. From the long-standing popularity of snus to the more recent acceptance of vaping, Sweden’s nicotine habits are influenced by a mix of cultural choices, rules set by the government, and how people view their health.

By taking a closer look at these different aspects, we aim to give readers a clear picture of what’s driving the development of vaping in Sweden and what it means for the general public.

pure nicotine bottle

2. Snus phenomenon in Sweden

The snus phenomenon in Sweden is deeply ingrained in the country’s cultural fabric, representing a unique aspect of its nicotine landscape.

What is snus and how does it work?

Snus is a type of smokeless oral tobacco, typically sold in small pouches, and is placed under the upper lip. It is made from ground tobacco, water, salt, and flavorings, delivering nicotine to users without the need for combustion. Snus functions as an alternative to smoking, providing users with a discrete and convenient means of smoking cessation without producing secondhand smoke.

Availability and advertising regulations for snus

In Sweden, snus is readily available for purchase in various retail outlets, including convenience stores and specialized tobacco shops. The country permits the advertising of snus within its borders, although advertising regulations are subject to specific restrictions. Conversely, the advertising of snus is strictly prohibited in many other countries, contributing to its relatively limited recognition and availability outside of Sweden.

Origins and popularity of snus in Sweden

The sale of snus traces its roots back several centuries, with documented evidence of its usage dating as far back as the 18th century. Snus use among Swedish can be attributed to a combination of cultural traditions, historical preferences, and the widespread perception of snus as a less harmful alternative to smoking. Swedish consumers often embrace snus as a socially acceptable and discreet form of tobacco consumption.

Snus in Sweden vs abroad

Within Sweden, snus is widely regarded as a culturally significant and socially accepted product, playing a prominent role in the country’s tobacco consumption patterns. Swedish society perceives snus as a viable harm reduction strategy, with many individuals favoring it over smoking due to its potential to minimize the adverse health effects associated with traditional tobacco use.

However, outside of Sweden, snus remains relatively unknown and is often subject to regulatory restrictions and negative perceptions regarding its overall safety and health implications.

Snus as a harm reduction tool

Snus has been linked to a demonstrable reduction in smoking prevalence, thereby contributing to improved public health outcomes. By providing a viable alternative to smoking, snus has played a crucial role in Sweden’s efforts to promote harm reduction and tobacco cessation, emphasizing the significance of informed regulatory decisions and evidence-based public health initiatives.

vaping vs snus in sweden

3. Snus vs vaping in Sweden – diversity in harm reduction practices

In Sweden, the usage of snus and vaping products reflects a diverse consumer landscape. Approximately 5% of the Swedish population are regular users of snus, a figure that has remained relatively stable over recent years. In contrast, the prevalence of vaping stands at 1.1% among adults, showcasing a growing but comparatively smaller segment of the population embracing e-cigarettes as an alternative nicotine product.

Furthermore, when considering the percentage of individuals using either snus or vaping products exclusively, the data suggests that a larger proportion of the Swedish population gravitates toward snus compared to vaping. This is indicative of the long-standing cultural acceptance of snus within Swedish society, with the product deeply embedded in local traditions and customs. On the other hand, while e-cigarette use is steadily gaining traction, it currently represents a smaller but evolving subset of the population seeking alternative nicotine consumption methods.

Sweden’s unique position as a prominent example of dual nicotine consumption preferences is underscored by the continued coexistence of snus and electronic cigarette within the country. This duality provides valuable insights into the complex dynamics of nicotine consumption patterns and cultural attitudes toward harm reduction practices.

4. How does the vaping market look like in Sweden?

In addition to its rich history with snus, Sweden’s contemporary landscape is composed of a diverse range of harm reduction options, including the growing vaping market. As the country embraces various alternatives to traditional smoking, the vaping industry has garnered significant attention, reflecting a dynamic shift in nicotine consumption patterns among the Swedish.

E-liquid industry trends in Sweden

Notably, the popularity of flavored e-liquids has gained significant traction within the Swedish vaping market. Consumers are actively seeking a diverse range of flavors, reflecting their preferences for an enhanced sensory experience.

When it comes down to e-liquid flavor, fruity and dessert-inspired options continue to dominate the market, appealing to a wide consumer base with their enticing and varied sensory experiences. These flavor preferences align with the evolving consumption patterns, indicating a shift towards more indulgent and flavorful vaping choices among Swedish vapers.

Alongside flavors, the accessibility and user-friendly nature of vaping devices have contributed to the market’s significant growth.

Key Motivations for Vaping in Sweden

Several key motivations drive the adoption of vaping and alternative tobacco products in Sweden.

  • Desire to reduce the health risks associated with traditional tobacco smoking. Many individuals are turning to electronic cigarette use as a harm reduction strategy, recognizing its potential for minimizing exposure to harmful chemicals and toxins.
  • Customizable nicotine levels in e-liquids cater to specific preferences, allowing for personalized and controlled vaping experiences.
  • Recognition of vaping as a promising tobacco harm reduction strategy to minimize health risks associated with conventional smoking.
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5. E-liquid regulations and policies in Sweden

The legal landscape in Sweden reflects a well-defined regulatory framework governing the e-liquid industry. E-cigarettes and disposable vapes are allowed in Sweden and can be sold in vape shops. However, the sale and distribution of vaping products are subject to strict guidelines, ensuring compliance with packaging requirements and quality standards. Notably, the Act on Electronic Cigarettes and Refill Containers (2017/425) outlines specific provisions for the marketing and sale of e-cigarettes in vape shops in the country.

Additionally, adherence to the EU Tobacco Products Directive serves as a fundamental pillar in shaping the e-liquid regulations, emphasizing the importance of consumer safety and product integrity.

These stringent policies have a direct impact on businesses, necessitating meticulous adherence to licensing obligations and manufacturing standards. For consumers, these regulations ensure the availability of standardized and reliable vaping products while fostering a sense of trust and security within the market.

e-liquid industry regulations

How does the e-liquid regulation work in Sweden?

E-liquid regulations and policies in Sweden are designed to ensure the safety and quality of vaping products. Notably, e-liquids must adhere to strict guidelines, including packaging requirements that mandate prominent health warnings for consumers.

Additionally, the legal landscape imposes age restrictions, permitting the sale of e-liquids exclusively to individuals aged 18 and older. The regulations also govern the nicotine content of e-liquids, with specific limitations on the concentration of nicotine permitted in each product. The legal landscape allows for a wide range of e-liquid flavors, with no specific flavors being prohibited.

Furthermore, policy developments have introduced taxation on e-cigarette liquid, reflecting the government’s efforts to regulate the market and mitigate potential health risks associated with vaping. The process of notifying products involves a fee of 10500 SEK for both initial notification and any subsequent modifications.

Taxation on e-cigarette liquid in Sweden is structured at 2 SEK per milliliter for products with a nicotine concentration of up to 15 mg/ml, and 4 SEK per milliliter for those containing 15-20 mg/ml.

These comprehensive regulations underscore Sweden’s commitment to fostering responsible vaping practices and prioritizing consumer safety within the e-liquid industry.

vaping in sweden

6. What are the latest vaping devices and technologies available in Sweden?

In Sweden, the latest vaping devices and technologies reflect a growing preference for advanced and user-friendly systems, as well as a continued prominence of snus products. Pod systems have gained substantial popularity due to their compact design, ease of use, and portability, catering to the on-the-go lifestyle of many consumers. Additionally, customizable and refillable pod cartridges offer users the flexibility to experiment with various e-liquid flavors, contributing to the rising demand for diverse and innovative taste profiles.

In parallel, the snus industry continues to innovate with an array of convenient and discreet options, including various snus formats and flavors that appeal to a wide consumer base. Manufacturers have introduced user-friendly snus pouches and portion products, emphasizing portability and discreet consumption. These advancements underscore the industry’s commitment to providing consumers with a range of choices that align with their preferences for hassle-free and convenient nicotine consumption.

The integration of technology in both the vaping and snus sectors reflects the industry’s dedication to enhancing user experiences and catering to evolving consumer demands while working towards a smoke-free future.

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7. How Swedish view vaping / non-tobacco industry?

Sweden maintains a cautious stance on vaping, primarily emphasizing the importance of rigorous regulations and public health awareness campaigns. Government initiatives highlight the potential risks associated with vaping, aiming to educate the public about the need for informed consumption and the importance of recognizing potential health hazards.

Public health campaigns often emphasize the importance of understanding the ingredients in vaping products, raising awareness about nicotine addiction, and encouraging responsible vaping practices.

Additionally, the NGOs work hard to encourage harm reduction initiatives. The focus remains on fostering a societal shift towards healthier nicotine consumption alternatives while continuously monitoring the evolving landscape of the tobacco and nicotine industries.

8. What is the future of vaping in Sweden?

The future of vaping in Sweden appears to be influenced by a combination of projected growth, market opportunities, and notable challenges. As the vaping market continues to expand, there is a projected increase in consumer interest and adoption, particularly among individuals seeking tobacco smoking cessation. This anticipated growth presents substantial market opportunities for businesses to innovate and diversify their product offerings, catering to evolving consumer preferences and demands.

However, the vaping industry also faces significant challenges, including stringent regulatory frameworks, evolving public perceptions, and ongoing concerns about potential health risks. These challenges necessitate a comprehensive approach to address safety standards, promote responsible consumption, and mitigate potential health implications.

Key factors that could shape the future of vape products in Sweden include continued advancements in technology, evolving regulatory landscapes, public health awareness campaigns, and the industry’s ability to adapt to changing consumer needs and preferences. Successful navigation of these factors is crucial for sustaining the growth and development of the vaping market while prioritizing public health and safety initiatives.

e-liquid manufacturers

Vaping in Sweden: Summary

Sweden has emerged as a pioneering nation in public health initiatives for harm reduction within Europe, with its smoking rates approaching the ambitious 5 percent goal set by the EU. The popularity of snus, a smokeless oral tobacco product, has surpassed that of traditional cigarettes, eventually leading to the recent rise of vaping culture in the country.

Despite diverse attitudes toward vaping, approximately 5% of the population regularly uses snus, while 1.1% engages in vaping, indicating a prevalent cultural acceptance of snus over vaping.

Notably, flavored e-liquids dominate the Swedish vaping market, appealing to diverse consumer preferences, while vaping devices prioritize user-friendliness and customizable options for discreet consumption, and enhanced user experiences.

Sweden maintains a cautious stance on vaping, focusing on rigorous regulations, public health awareness, and harm reduction initiatives to promote healthier nicotine consumption alternatives. Strict regulations govern the e-liquid industry, ensuring compliance with packaging standards, health warnings, and age restrictions for consumers’ safety.

The future of vaping in Sweden hinges on navigating market growth, regulatory challenges, and evolving public health awareness, with continued advancements in technology and adaptive strategies being key factors in shaping the trajectory of the vaping industry. The whole industry should keep an eye on Sweden as this country is laying the groundwork for a more diverse range of smoke-free alternatives in the foreseeable future.

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