Published On: 2023-10-05
vape cartridges manufacturing

The vaping industry has witnessed a steady increase in consumer numbers, leading to a natural expansion in the customer base. As a result, heightened competition has become the norm. In light of this, we’re curious to know if you’re considering entering the vape cartridges manufacturing sector or if you’re already an established player looking to elevate your brand and optimize your processes. This article takes an in-depth look at the intricacies of vape cartridge production.

So, whether you oversee a trading company aiming to expand its product range, seek a reliable white label supplier, or wish to gain insights on identifying a reputable vape market manufacturer, you’ve come to the right source.

NOTE: this article is part of our Vape Cartridge Knowledge Center, where – in one place – we have gathered for you all the relevant facts and background information you need to learn about the e-liquid industry and succeed in it as a manufacturer or brand owner.


How do a vape cartridge and a vape pen work?

Before we check the best practices of vape cartridge manufacturing, let’s take a moment to look at the vape devices and vape cartridges relation.

Vape cartridges have a built-in mouthpiece and a coil, so all one has to do is attach the vape cartridge to vape pen, also called a replacement pod.

Additionally, a vape pen has its own battery, used to generate electricity for the heating element. This way, the heat developed by the coil allows vapor production and, consequently the whole vaping process.

Keep in mind that vape pens used with cartridges are different than an e-cigarette or disposable. One must use vape cartridges from the same manufacturer to fit the vape pen, as most of them are single-use.

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How to manufacture a vape cartridge? Best practices!

There are a few factors that allow differentiating a well-manufactured vape cartridge from one of poorer quality.

Raw materials in vape cartridge manufacturing

First of all, the compounds used in manufacturing should be of the highest quality. E-liquids are a great example here. After all, it’s the e-liquid consumers absorb into their organism, so it better be the best quality possible.

When speaking of vape cartridges, e-liquids are the very basis of product development, so one should use the highest quality raw materials in their manufacturing.

Develop product quality control

What’s essential for a manufacturer of e-liquids or vape cartridges, is to develop quality control.

Even if it takes a while, one should treat it as an investment. A sufficient quality control process will ensure repeatable quality and consistency, consequently, helping to improve brands names and meet customers’ expectations.

Keep in mind, that if you are a supplier or a trading company, it’s also an asset for your company to work with companies with quality control.

In Chemnovatic we put a great emphasis on this aspect, as quality has been our priority since the very beginning. Due to that, we care that not one, or several products, but everything in our offer is top-notch! For that, we developed the 4-Step-Quality-Verification, which includes:

  • inter-process laboratory testing & analysis
  • in-house laboratory analysis of the finished product
  • sensory assessment
  • putting products to test in an external laboratory

Certified manufacturer

Obviously, each company and manufacturers have their secrets, so it’s impossible to learn them in detail, however, certificates may help here. They guarantee, that the manufacturing process is set to the highest quality and that the manufacturers are taken care of and provided with the safety standards.

There are various certificates that can help establish manufacturers’ names on the market. We can give as examples:

  • ISO – International Organization for Standardization certificate – ensures a company puts emphasis on minimizing waste and human errors, while, at the same time, increasing productivity
  • HACCP – Hazar Analysis and Critical Control Point – ensures a company introduced an integrated system of activities, related to the management of product safety

How to manufacture a liquid used in cartridges? Top-notch approaches

Basically, any e-liquid can be used in a cartridge.

If you like to vape those based on nicotine or nicotine salts, there’s no obstacle to do so. If you prefer to vape nicotine-free liqids that’s fine as well.

The industry have plenty of vape products to choose from. However, what are the great practices to develop a top-notch liquid?

A manufacturer should use the best raw materials

First of all, similarly to the practices mentioned in manufacturing vape cartridges, one should provide possible and take care of the quality control process, to ensure repeatability.

E-liquid packaging and storing

Another important element is the e-liquid packaging. Due to the fact they contain nicotine, one should make sure the packaging is leak-proof and tamper-proof. Moreover, manufacturers of e-liquid must care about storing such products. There’s often pure nicotine in an e-liquid, and when in contact with oxygen, it may change its color and shorten its shelf life.

Learn more:

How does vape cartridge filling go?

e-liquid manufacturer

Assuming that all resources are ready, one can deal with filling cartridges. Here, by all resources, we mean having the filling machines set to fill cartridge containers with e-liquids (nicotine, flavor, etc.).

At Chemnovatic, we are able to fill more than 1,200 cartridges in a single 8-hour shift. After filling, the cartridges are plugged with silicone, so they do not leak, and neodymium magnets are attached to them. The magnets are pivotal in cartridges sticking well to vaping devices.

As an example of the aforementioned quality control process, we can point checking the plugs and magnets of each unit, so they fit well with the vape pen.

Where can I find a supplier of vape cartridges?

If you are looking for a supplier or manufacturer of cartridges, most of them are based in China. Due to the product still growing and gaining more, and more recognition, there aren’t many providers of white label services regarding vape cartridges in Europe.

In Chemnovatic, we dare say, we are one, if not the first, to do so in the industry in Europe. If you are looking for vape cartridges white label services, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Why might it be worth it to you?

  • Each cartridge is filled at our facility.
  • We use nicotine raw materials that we produce ourselves.
  • We have 100% control over the entire production process.
  • You are guaranteed a fast and safe supply of always fresh products.

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Transportation and shelf life of vape pens and vape cartridges

Transportation is an important aspect of an e-liquid and vape cartridge life cycle. After the production process, the manufacturer has to deliver the product to the supplier, retailers, vape shops, or companies which place them on the market. However, is transportation dangerous for e-liquids and vape cartridges?

The answer to this question is no, at least not necessarily. Of course, there are risks of an accident, depending on the distribution channel. However, if the packaging is of the highest quality and provides the required stability, and temperature, and prevents leak, one shouldn’t worry.

e-liquid manufacturers

Can E-Liquids Gain Advantages During Transportation?

Indeed, a trading company that receives e-liquids in supply may see potential benefits during transportation. The journey often involves a certain duration, and during this period, the e-liquid undergoes agitation, resulting in increased mixing and a higher viscosity. However, it’s essential to note that if the e-liquid contains pure nicotine, there may be alterations in its color.

Is the supply chain worth shortening?

When you are running a business, you’re probably aware that the answer to the above question is – it depends.

Shorter supply chain

If there is a great demand for your product and you have a long supply chain, the shipping will take more time. Additionally, depending on the distribution channel, the cost of supplying may be higher.

Longer supply chain

If you have a trusted and certified supplier, who provide great services and products. In that case, your company may benefit from a longer supply chain. Let’s assume you are a part of, for example, the food industry, where quality of products is important for most of the brands.

Great quality may mean more top-notch products on the market and, consequently more satisfied customers or users. Due to that, it’s highly important to create a reliable supply chain, preventing a lack of supply.

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Vape Cartridges Manufacturing: Summary

To sum up, every step of e-liquid and vape cartridges is highly important, and should be taken care of by the manufacturer. To establish a brand and provide market with great products, it’s pivotal to use best quality raw materials and develop quality control, as at the end, e-liquid is absorbed by human organism.

The biggest number of companies that manufacture e-liquid or cartridges are based in China. However, given the population, China is also one of, if not the biggest, market.

In Chemnovatic, as a manufacturer, we test our products on each step, which allows us to provide top-notch white label services, that include OEM vape cartridges or e-liquid production. We have helped develop hundreds, if not thousands, of e-liquid, vape pen, and e-cigarette brands.


Now you have the necessary knowledge about vape cartridges to start your own vape adventure.

What’s your next move?

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