Published On: 2023-09-20

Chemnovatic’s ESG strategy for a sustainable future – an interview with the Vice President of Chemnovatic

chemnovatic sustainable future through ESG strategy - an interview with vicepresident Bartłomiej Gęca

In today’s dynamic business world, the concept of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) strategy is becoming increasingly important. ESG refers to a company’s approach to environmental issues, social responsibility and ethical management practices. At Chemnovatic, the ESG strategy has been implemented in a consistent manner, aiming to create value while taking care of the planet and its inhabitants.

In implementing this strategy, the company is aware of the regional aspect that is crucial to the community in which it operates. Chemnovatic’s local impact on the environment, human health, and stakeholder relations is a priority in its decision-making and approach to operations. At the same time, the company targets its operations in a broader global context, fully aware that today’s environmental, social justice, and ethical management challenges transcend national borders and challenge the entire global community.

As we reflect on a sustainable future, we present Bartłomiej Gęca, Vice President of Chemnovatic, who will share his insights and vision of the ESG strategy for the company and its importance in achieving sustainable development.

Bartlomiej Gęca, Vice President of Chemnovatic, emphasizes that ESG strategy plays an important role in both the local and international context. The company’s activities have a direct impact on the surrounding environment, the people of the region, and the wider global area, which underscores the importance of caring for the environment, social and cultural relations, and proper organizational management. The ESG strategy is particularly in line with the company’s operating philosophy and its impact on society.

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It is worth noting that implementing ESG strategies not only allows to operate with respect for the surrounding environment but also gives a competitive advantage in the international market. More and more investors and customers are looking for companies that demonstrate a commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. This is creating a network of conscious companies that take ESG-compliant actions. Thus, it contributes to building customer trust and loyalty and attracts investors and business partners who share the same values.

– Why is ESG strategy important for Chemnovatic?

Bartłomiej Gęca: ESG strategy is extremely important for Chemnovatic for several reasons. First, as a company operating in the chemical industry, we feel responsible for the environment and want to take care of our customers. Striving to minimize the environmental impact of our operations is one of our priorities to pass on a healthier planet to future generations. Additionally, at Chemnovatic we believe that business success should not go hand in hand with environmental degradation, negative social impact, or lack of ethics. Our ESG strategy includes a commitment to sustainability, taking into account the interests of different people, not just maximizing profits.

In today’s business landscape, ESG strategy serves a vital function for companies, playing a key role in their operations, and is becoming not only a trend but an essential element in building sustainable success and audience trust.

– What were the motivations behind the implementation of the ESG strategy at Chemnovatic?

BG: The implementation of the ESG strategy at Chemnovatic was inspired primarily by our company’s mission. We knew what direction we wanted to go in. In addition, we looked at the world around us and saw a clear signal that spurred us even further – we noticed a global movement related to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) initiative, which showed that companies can play an important role in creating a better future. We also wanted to show that business can not only be profitable but also friendly to people and the planet. We also took the personal perspective into account – we and many of our employees have children. We want the best for the next generations so we are trying our best to improve and streamline our operations step by step in a sustainable way.

– Was it challenging to implement this strategy?

BG: We have encountered several challenges during the implementation of the ESG strategy at Chemnovatic, but we treat them as natural stages of our development. These are not just more shortcuts on paper, but real actions that we are implementing for the good of our company, the environment, and the environment. I admit that it took some effort to adapt to new standards and seek sustainable solutions, however, with each step, we feel and know that we are doing something important and responsible.

Read more about our ESG strategy 2023-2025 and sustainability here:

Chemnovatic also undertakes conscious social responsibility measures that go beyond the standard business approach. This confirms the fact that the organization’s success is linked not only to making a profit but also to its commitment to initiatives with a positive impact on the environment.

– Does Chemnovatic engage in social initiatives or charitable activities, or perhaps build beneficial relationships with local communities?

BG: Social responsibility and commitment are not only important words for us, but also the foundation of our activities. Activities within the framework of social initiatives come directly out of the company’s assumptions, but above all from the motivation of its employees themselves, who participate in them with great enthusiasm. These include various initiatives such as “Help Children Survive Winter,” participation in the “Noble Parcel” campaign, and participation in charity matches or other events. We are also active at the local community level.

We cooperate with universities, such as the Lublin University of Technology, engaging in various projects, such as the “Student Business Festival” competition, which enables young talents to use their ideas creatively and supports the development of their business skills. We also cooperate with Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in the framework of an internship program. We are proud to contribute to the professional development of young people and are happy to share our knowledge, experience, and expertise.

Our community involvement is not a one-time action, but part of our long-term thinking and engagement. We have active participation in the Council for Innovative Socio-Economic Development of Lublin, and we plan to continue developing our initiatives so that our activities will have an even greater positive impact on the community and the surrounding area in the future.

chemnovatic sustainable environmental strategy

In addition, it can be seen that Chemnovatic relies on innovation and green solutions to minimize its negative impact on the environment. The pursuit of environmentally efficient development plays a large role in ESG’s strategy.

– What innovative solutions is Chemnovatic implementing to minimize its negative impact on the environment?

BG: The company has set specific targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption for the coming years 2023 – 2025. We have implemented an environmental policy and are working on measures that help reduce CO2 emissions and minimize energy consumption. We plan to modernize our vehicle fleet and aim to increase recycling rates. We also have plans to increase the use of energy from renewable sources and want to contribute to the protection of biodiversity in the environment. Chemnovatic is constantly exploring new opportunities and emphasizing compliance with environmental standards and the relevance of environmental certifications, which it wants to earn over the coming years.

The company cares not only about its environment but also about internal development. Taking care of employees is not only part of the company’s culture, but also a key element of business success. Chemnovatic directs attention to the satisfaction of its team which helps increase employee engagement and satisfaction, and such initiatives are conducive to success.

– How does Chemnovatic take care of its employees?

BG: Safety is our priority value. We have implemented a number of internal procedures and organizational changes in health and safety management to ensure that our employees are protected every step of the way. At Chemnovatic, we invest in our employees through a variety of training and development programs. We want everyone to be able to develop their talents, which contributes to creating exceptional solutions and achieving new goals. We know that a team that feels valued and has support from us drives innovation and quality in our products.

– How does the company influence its industry to promote sustainable practices, both for customers and other companies in the industry?

BG: As an important player in the industry, Chemnovatic influences the development of sustainable practices by leading by example. Our commitment to ESG motivates other market players to take similar actions, thus creating an environmentally and socially responsible business environment. In connection with the introduction of a purchasing policy, we require certain standards for working with supply chain partners. These requirements include transparency and honesty, as well as respect for basic human and labor rights. In this way, we can build long-term relationships based on mutual respect and mutual benefit, which is important for achieving our sustainability goals. Our business inspires and contributes to positive change on a broad scale. And we support our customers in understanding the benefits of ESG-compliant products.

The modern business world, dominated by globalization and diversity, poses unique challenges for companies. Ethics and transparency in operations are becoming key pillars that shape the face of the modern enterprise. Chemnovatic, like many other companies, realizes that actions are not limited to one’s own existence, but have an impact on the outside world.

– What business ethics are in place at Chemnovatic?

BG: We emphasize first and foremost adherence to moral values, honesty and responsibility in our decisions. Our priority is to ensure safety and quality in the products we offer. Our team is committed to providing comprehensive information on its products, production processes and quality standards. Customers have access to clear information on ingredients, technologies used and quality certifications, which helps build trust and loyalty. Chemnovatic also strives to communicate openly and honestly with its customers, taking into account their needs and opinions to better tailor its offerings to their requirements.

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In the context of an ESG strategy, measuring progress and reporting is a key aspect that allows companies, such as Chemnovatic, to monitor and evaluate the achievement of sustainability goals. When implementing an ESG strategy, a company must be able to accurately define its goals and then systematically track its progress toward achieving them.

– What tools or indicators are used to evaluate the effectiveness of the ESG strategy?

BG: To evaluate the effectiveness of its ESG strategy, Chemnovatic uses a variety of tools and indicators to objectively assess progress. The most common include environmental indicators in which we monitor the company’s environmental impact, as well as social indicators, such as employee engagement and satisfaction indicators, and governance-related indicators, such as the number of ESG-compliant innovations introduced. Both the measurement tools and regular reporting of ESG strategy results allow us to adjust our activities on an ongoing basis, identify areas for improvement, and highlight achievements and successes. This allows us to know where we are at any given time and gives us insight into where we started and where we want to be.

chemnovatic esg strategy

As for the further development of its ESG strategy, Chemnovatic is focused on achieving its vision of sustainable development in the medium and long term. The current 2023-2025 strategy is the foundation on which the company will continue to build, consistently pursuing its ambitious goals.

– Is the company considering new initiatives or partnerships to expand its ESG activities?

BG: Yes, Chemnovatic is actively considering new partnerships with NGOs, universities, or other companies that can contribute to sharing best practices, developing innovative solutions, and increasing positive social and environmental impact. In the long term, Chemnovatic will continue to consistently develop its ESG strategy, adapting to changing market conditions and stakeholder expectations.

The introduction of ESG strategies into Chemnovatic’s operations has resulted in valuable lessons. Social and environmental responsibility have become key elements of business success, positively influencing customer trust, employee engagement, and customer relations. Recognizing the potential for transformation, Chemnovatic promises to continue and expand this initiative to become an inspiration for other companies in pursuit of a sustainable future.

– What are the most important lessons that have been learned so far from the implementation of the ESG strategy at Chemnovatic?

BG: Our sustainability journey has taught us that responsibility knows no boundaries. Every department of our company has an impact on our environment, so we can’t just limit ourselves to declarations – we have to act with determination. ESG is not just a set of principles – it’s an attitude that permeates every area of our business. It’s important to involve the entire team and create a culture where everyone feels their efforts have a real impact. Every step toward a sustainable future is an investment in both our success and the well-being of our environment. That’s why we’re not slowing down and are moving toward a more sustainable future.

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Considering all of the mentioned aspects, one can conclude that Chemnovatic finds in its ESG strategy not only an ethical commitment but also a foundation for business success. Through consistent implementation of values related to environmental protection, social responsibility, and transparency, the company is treading the path of sustainable development. Awareness of the impact of its actions on global challenges allows Chemnovatic to measure progress, refine approaches and inspire other companies to address similar challenges.

The company’s vision extends into the future, where its inspirational domino effect contributes to positive transformation in both the industry and communities around the world. It is this holistic philosophy and approach that is an essential driving force toward a more sustainable and responsible future.


This interview is available in Polish on the newspaper Kurier Lubelski here: Strategia ESG dla Zrównoważonej Przyszłości Chemnovatic: Wywiad z Wiceprezesem Chemnovatic | Kurier Lubelski

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